About TMC1 2010

The first Treasure Mountain Canada Research Symposium and Think Tank was held in Edmonton, Alberta, June 2-3, 2010 , aligning with Canadian Library Association (CLA) Annual Conference.
Theme: Transforming Canadian School Libraries to Meet the Needs of 21st Century Learners
Sub-themes included:
- Transmission to Transformation
- Towards a Transformative Pedagogy
- Teacher Librarian to Learning Leader
- School Library to Learning Commons

Keynote Speakers:
- Dr. Ross Todd, Rutgers University
- Dr. Garfield Gini-Newman, OISE
Legacy Sites:
- TMC1 Workspace
- Overview (p. 70)
- Follow the TMC Blog, started in 2010 – many relevant photos and comments!
Call to Action: New National Standards for School Libraries required