Friday January 31: Opening Dinner, Keynote and Awards
ICTC Ontario
5:30: Meet & Mingle
6:00: Welcome to TMC6 – Anita Brooks Kirkland
6:15: Dinner
7:15: Keynote Speaker – Eric Walters
7:45: Awards
The Angela Thacker Memorial Award: Alison Bodner, Alanna King, Sarah Wethered
The Leading Learning Implementation Award: Pembina Trails School Division,
represented by Jo-Anne Gibson
8:10: Kick-Off Challenge – Carol Koechlin
8:25: Closing Remarks – Carol Koechlin

Saturday February 1: TMC6 Symposium
ICTC Ontario / Niagara
7:45: Continental Breakfast
8:20: Welcome to TMC6 – Anita Brooks Kirkland
8:30: Spotlight Speaker – Garfield Gini-Newman
9:30: Canadian School Libraries – Anita Brooks Kirkland
- A New Brand for Canadian School Libraries: Explore CSL
- The Eric Walters School Library Summer Lending Challenge: Findings from the Research: Connect to the paper
10:10: Break
10:30: Table Talks – You will have the opportunity to participate in two table talks.
- Table 1 – Innovation Grants: Supporting Professional Learning and Collaborative Inquiry in the Library Learning Commons by Rebeca Rubio
- Table 2 – Getting on the train: a decade of shifting culture in the school library by Alanna King
- Table 3 – Coteaching Revisited: The Replication Study by David V. Loertscher
- Table 4 – Maker. Space. Inquiry. Place. What might be the connection? by Beth Lyons
- Table 5 – Toward an Understanding of the Impact of Youth Involvement in Purchasing Resources for the School Library Learning Commons and Issues of Equity in Participant Selection by Diana Maliszewski
- Table 6 – Connections between campuses: Creating a collaborative OCULA/OSLA information literacy toolkit by Heather Buchansky
- Table 7 – The Benefits of a Participatory Learning Environment in the School Learning Commons by Patricia Baker
- Table 8 – Amplify Student Voice by Connecting Students to Each Other & the World by Jennifer Casa-Todd
11:30: Virtual Spotlight Speaker – Leigh Cassell
12:00: Building Connections Activity – Carol Koechlin
How will you invest your time?
12:30: Lunch
1:15: Spotlight Speaker – Deborah Dundas
1:45: Table Talks – You will have the opportunity to participate in two table talks.
- Table 1 – Libraries and The New Basics by Christine Corso
- Table 2 – Ontario School Library Impact Project (OSLIP): Information Literacy from High School to University by Dianne Oberg
- Table 3 – The Human Library at the Louise Arbour Secondary School Library Learning Commons by Jonelle St. Aubyn
- Table 4 – #12daysbooksnbytes – Fostering Professional Participatory Learning Cultures with Literacy and Code by Melanie Mulcaster
- Table 5 – If You Give a Kid a Camera: Participatory Visual Literacy in the LLC by Jane Dennis-Moore
- Table 6 – Reflections in the Library Learning Commons: Collaboration by Jennifer Brown
- Table 7 – Culturally Relevant and Responsive Pedagogy in a Racially Homogenous School by Rabia Khokhar
- Table 8 – Participatory Learning through Phenomenon Based Learning: Moving from the Learning Commons into the Classroom by Greg Harris
2:45: Short Break
2:55: The Big Think – David Loertscher
A School-wide Learning Commons
3:40: Closing Remarks – Anita Brooks Kirkland
3:50: Adjournment
Thanks for participating in the important work of TMC6!