TMC7 Sponsors & Supporters
Canadian School Libraries and the TMC8 Planning Committee are very grateful to the following organizations for supporting the eighth biennial Treasure Mountain Canada Research Symposium and Think Tank.

Gifts in kind.
Canadian School Libraries and the TMC8 Planning Committee are very grateful for the support of the following organizations and individuals who have donated gifts in kind to show appreciation for TMC8 contributors and participants.
Annick Press
Book*Hug Press
Douglas & McIntyre / Harbour Publishing
Firefly Books
Groundwood Books
Harper Collins
Kids Can Press
Manda Group
Nimbus Publishing
Pembrook Publishing
Plumleaf Press
Raincoast Books
Scholastic Canada
Second Story Press
Simon & Schuster
Wendy Burch Jones
Lana Button, Author
Paul Coccia, Author
Colleen Nelson, Author
Claudia Osmond, Author & Illustrator
Joel Sutherland, Author