TMC8 CALL FOR PAPERS: Canadian Scholarly Research and Professional Writing Regarding School Library Learning Commons in Canada
Canadian School Libraries (CSL) is pleased to announce that the eighth biennial TMC Symposium (TMC8) will take place in Toronto, Ontario on Friday January 31 and Saturday February 1, 2025. The symposium is presented in partnership with the Ontario Library Association (OLA), Ontario School Library Association (OSLA), and The Association of Library Consultants of Ontario (TALCO). Full information regarding rates and registration will be available on the TMC website.
Download this Call for Papers in PDF Format
What is TMC?
Treasure Mountain Canada is a participatory learning experience designed to bring researchers and practitioners together to discuss and debate current Canadian research and scholarly writing which has an impact on the role of school libraries vis-à-vis educational strategy and transformation. Papers and work from previous TMC experiences are archived for viewing and study in the Canadian School Libraries Research Archive.
TMC History: Transforming Research to Action
The first Treasure Mountain Canada, held in Edmonton in 2010, focused on Transforming Canadian School Libraries to Meet the Needs of 21st Century Learners. Since then six more symposiums have taken place across Canada resulting in significant projects and support to advance school LLC. See the CSL Research Archive for links to details and past papers. TMC7 was held in New Westminster, British Columbia in partnership with British Columbia Teacher-Librarians’ Association (BCTLA) with the theme, Post-Pandemic Library Learning Commons: From Crisis to Invention. The TMC7 calls to action, to review and update Leading Learning Standards of Practice themes is completed. An unexpected spin-off from the update was the need to address foundational guidelines for successful school libraries. Consequently, Canadian School Libraries has developed and published a new document, Foundations for School Library Learning Commons in Canada: A Framework for Success. Work to develop a new resource to support Digital and Media Literacy in the LLC is in process.
TMC8 Call for Papers
The goal of Treasure Mountain Canada is to make the school library a key area of academic debate. At this time, the TMC8 planning committee is pleased to extend an invitation to teacher-librarians and educators across the country for papers for the eighth symposium. These papers will be published for participants to review ahead of the symposium, and will form the basis for in-depth discussion at the event. Subsequently all papers will be made more widely available on the CSL Research Archive website, adding to the growing body of “made in Canada” research generated by TMC.
We recognize the outstanding contributions so many of you are making to teaching and learning in Canada. Your work needs to be recognized by the greater education community – and documented, so that it can become part of the debate. To help you in the process of research and sharing your results, CSL has developed a Research Toolkit. Use this rich resource to guide your approach to preparing for TMC!
CSL recently published a new document, Foundations for School Library Learning Commons in Canada: A Framework for Success. This guideline establishes strong policy, robust funding, and a commitment to equity of access as foundations for the LLC and the successful implementation of CSL standards of practice document, Leading Learning: Standards of Practice for School Library Learning Commons in Canada. We are inviting you to study the new support document, explore the foundations and frameworks, and considering your own practice, decide on a sub-theme you would like to focus on for your own research. We suggest either teacher action research and/or academic research related to the theme and sub-themes.
TMC8 Theme: Foundations for School Library Learning Commons in Canada: A Framework for Success
NOTE: In your research, plan to explore your focused sub-theme issue through the lenses of strong policy, robust funding, and equity of access.
TMC8 Sub-Themes:
- Physical and Virtual LLC spaces
- Technological Infrastructures
- Human Resources
- Accessibility
- Ethical Standards
- LLC Management
- A Culture of Growth
- Accountability
Focus Your Thinking
Read the CSL Journal article, Announcing TMC8! Strengthening Foundations for School Library Learning Commons in Canada and study the possible topics and focus questions to consider presented under How might you apply a sub-theme to focus your research?
Visit the TMC8 Resources to Get You Thinking webpage to explore articles related to the symposium’s theme. How might these resources kick-start your research?
Submitting a Paper
For planning purposes, please let us know if you hope to submit a paper. If you have any questions or wish to discuss this initiative further contact any member of the planning committee.
You do not have to attend the symposium to submit a paper. A checklist of specific requirements for papers is included below. Papers are required by January 1,2025. Please send papers to Carol Koechlin (koechlin@sympatico.ca). Watch for ongoing updates and details regarding the TMC8 program and registration information on the TMC website.
Checklist for TM Canada papers
If print format:
- Approximately 1500-3000 words in length
- Digital MS Word document – Arial 12 point
- Single spaced and visuals (e.g. charts and graphs) embedded
- Alternative media formats such as websites and video are also welcome
- References in APA format
- Short biography of writer, about 200 words, plus a digital headshot photo would be appreciated
- Permission to publish your paper in PDF on the TMCanada website
- Papers are due no later than January 1,2025
Note: Papers will be reviewed by TMC program leaders and edited as required. Copyright will remain with the writer.
Process for Reviewing TMC Papers
Papers are submitted to Carol Koechlin for review. Papers are read and edited by both Carol and Judith Sykes using the following review considerations.
Content Considerations
- Does the paper address the symposium theme and sub themes?
- Has the writer identified a clear rationale/purpose for the research/inquiry?
- Has the writer clearly stated research question(s)?
- Does a review of current views and knowledge in the area of study clearly link to the research questions and purpose?
- Are research procedures, data collection methods, and analyses appropriate to the research questions?
- How will findings/insights this study/inquiry advance the work of other school library professionals?
- Have the required ethical clearances been stated?
- Are sources acknowledged and correctly documented?
- If there are major problems with the paper Carol and Judith work with the writer to address concerns.
Editing Considerations
- Clarity of expression
- Organization and flow
- Proofreading for errors
- Attention to Checklist for TMC Papers
Publishing Process
- Confirming major edits with the writer
- Gathering a photo and short bio
- Conversion to a PDF
- Creation of a short summary of the paper
- Publishing on TMC Blog for review and discussion
Questions about submissions should be directed to Carol Koechlin (koechlin@sympatico.ca).
Planning Committee for TMC8
- Carol Koechlin, CSL Board and TMC8 Co-Chair (koechlin@sympatico.ca)
- Melanie Mulcaster, CSL Board and TMC8 Co-Chair
- Anita Brooks Kirkland, CSL Board and TMC8 Planner (anitabk@bythebrooks.ca)
- Joseph Jeffery, CSL Chair
- Jennifer Casa-Todd, CSL Board
- Jonelle St. Aubyn, CSL Representative
- Wendy Burch Jones OSLA President 2024
- Richard Reid, OSLA Super Conference Planner
- Kate Johnson-McGregor, TALCO Representative